Monday, August 15, 2011


Life is full of colors that makes a person stronger than ever. Every colour represents every mood that we have. And that’s what makes our life full of adventures. We encounter different personalities. But at the end of the day, we learn from different people that we met. And that’s make a sense!

                    August 11, 2011. Emote! Emote! Emote!
    “Sweet words are easy to say; nice things are easy to buy; but good people are difficult to find. Life ends when you stop dreaming; hope ends when you stop believing; love ends when you stop crying; friendship ends when you stop understanding. To love without condition… to talk without intention… to give without reason… and to care without expectation.”
___Yes and No are short words which needs long thoughts. Most of the troubles in life are the result of saying YES too soon, or NO too late.
___If you are not sure where you stand in someone’s life, it’s best to leave things behind so that if they drop you off, it will be easier to forget them. Don’t waste time waiting for nothing when efforts are not recognized, it’s best to give things up. You’ve done your part.

 Well! No one is good enough! It’s a part of life. Grrrr…! I feel depress. :’c