Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Love, Love, Love!"

Let’s talk about LOVE.
Well, the truth is I don’t have any idea about this, but I guess based on what I’ve observed, “Love really hurts”. Some says, “Most of them cannot sleep when they are starting to fall in love but just the same when that love is starting to end”. And the other says, “They’re not looking for someone who has everything, but someone who has time to spend with them more than anything”. Hmmm, in my opinion, opposite attracts hehehe.
-“a relationship is like a job, you have to work hard to get in it and you have to work even harder to stay in it”.
 It’s a give and take relationship. Both of you should work for it because both of you is involve in that relationship.
-“you can never understand why people do stupid things for love, unless you, yourself experience how it is to be in love”.
Hahaha! That quote really hits me! Because I used to laughed or say something when I see them cry because of their boyfriend. Maybe because I’ve never been in love. Haist.
Once in our lives, we will meet the person who will make every second of our existence worth living for. And when you found it, hold on to it, but not too tight. Be jealous, but not possessive. Demand, but not too bossy. And most especially, show them love as if it’s your last day to live. Because you’ll never know if you’ll still have that person tomorrow. Avoid living your life suffering that regret and forever asking yourself….”what if”.
Just remember this, love someone and be happy with it even if you know it cannot last forever. It’s not about having someone, nor about owning a relationship, but it’s about being happy because you’re in love. There are purpose and meanings behind all event and this develop us; as a person and as a lover. Whatever relationship you have now is precisely the one you need at the moment. Don’t pressure yourself with fear of losing someone, instead, make the most out of you have.
--sometimes we say GOODBYE to the one we love without wanting too… sometimes, GOODBYE is a painful way of saying I LOVE YOU…--